We are currently only allowing our core vendors inside the newly renovated vendor area at the PMAR, Palacios, Texas.
New applicants as vendors for BirdFest 2024 can contact BirdFest Director, Laurie Beck at lbeck@becktv.com
There is new limited space in vendor-provided tents that fit the roofed corridor in designated tents ( 10’ x 10’) and of average height.
(See below)
Setup is scheduled at 8:30-9:30 on Saturday morning, April 13, 2024. Do not call PMAR to answer questions.
Each outside vendor( limited to six tents) will be issued a number which will be on blue painters tape at the entry to the vendor area( see legend for PMAR Main entrance floor plan) which will be emailed to each accepted new vendor by March 15, 2024
All rules will be included on the email once you have reserved a place as one of the new six vendors.
Each vendor will donate non refundable 50$ fee for the programming fund that our volunteers work on each year.
The non refundable donation must be made to MARSH Project, and it is on a first come first served basis after the accepted proposed vendor has been selected by MARSH director Laurie Beck, lbeck@becktv.com
Mail donations to :
MARSH Project
C/o Laurie Beck
506 Gresham street
Smithville,TX, 78957