REGISTRATION IS OPEN  for the 9th Annual MBBFMARCH 7, 8, & 9, 2025

The M.A.R.S.H. Project presents

9th Annual

Connecting people birds and nature


Bird Tours
Starting at 5:45 am
M.A.R.S.H. Project presents the Matagorda Bay Birdfest
Youth Art Contest Awards & Celebration
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Winners announced & celebrated featuring the Osprey at
TBE Thibodeaux Conference Center at 211 E. Bay Blvd., Palacios, TX
(Corner of E. Bay Blvd & E. Main St.)
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Thibodeaux Hall - 279 E. Bay Blvd at Main St.
Entertainment by Singer/Songwriter Paige Hill


Bird Tours
Starting at 6:00 am
Palacios Parade of Birds
10:30 - 11:30 am
Procession begins on 6th and Main (Railroad Park), featuring Palacios' historic center
• Parade lineup begins at 9:30 am - Railroad Park.
Calling all entries to be at lineup on time
Emcee and judges table at 4th and Main
• Bird Beaks and Hoo Knew: fun for kids and adults - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm -  Railroad Park
• Parade winners announced at 11:45 pm
• Food Trucks - 10 am to 4 pm
Speaker Sessions
1:00 pm to 4:10 pm
Eastside Elementary School
901 2nd St, Palacios, TX
Raptor Display
1:00 - 3:30 pm
Railroad Park
6th and Main St.
Wildlife in Focus
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
An award winning wildlife photography exhibit.
City by the Sea Museum
401 Commerce St
Keynote Dinner
5:30 to 8:15 pm $70/person
with guest chef Robert Mayberry

Keynote Speaker
Executive Director of the Gulf Trust
Jay Kleberg
"Stewardship & Storytelling"
Palacios Educational Pavilion
693 South Bay Blvd., Palacios, TX


Bird Tours
Starting at 6:45 am


REGISTER HEREFor tour descriptions, click here

Friday, March 7

A True Gem - The Powderhorn Ranch Wildlife Management Area (WMA)
5:45 AM - 3:00 PM

Going Mad for Birds at The Nature Conservancy Mad Island Marsh Preserve
6:00am to 3:00pm

Over the River and through the Woods to...Prairies, Beaches and Turf Farms - Matagorda County Hot Spots
6:15am to 3:00pm

Matagorda Bay Foundation Dog Island Preserve*
7:00am to 1:00pm

Saturday, March 8

The Bridge to Nowhere - Oyster Lake
6:00am to 10:30am

Around Town - Palacios Hot Spots
6:45am to 10:30am

Shorebird Haven at the Harrison Ranch
6:30am to 10:30am

Colorado River Roaming at the Birding Nature Center and LeTulle Park
6:15am to 10:30am

Sunday, March 9

Matagorda Bay Foundation Dog Island Preserve*
8:00am to 2:00pm

Second Chance at A True Gem - The Powderhorn Ranch WMA
6:45am to 3:00pm

Carancahua Bay Environs and Formosa Tejano Wetlands
7:30am to 3:00pm

Otra vez! - Over the River and through the Woods to...Prairies, Beaches and Turf Farms - Matagorda County Hot Spots
7:15am to 3:00pm

Going Doubly Mad for Birds at The Nature Conservancy Mad Island Marsh Preserve
7:00am to 3:00pm


SATURDAY, MARCH 8 - 1:00 pm to 4:10 pm
Eastside Elementary School, 901 2nd St., Palacios, TX

Session 1
1:30 to 2:10 pm

TX A&M Corpus Christi
Tara Rodkey
“Wet meadows and short grass prairies in Texas, the migratory hub of the American Midcontinent”
Room A

TX A&M Corpus Christi
Elizabeth Everett
“Microplastics in Matagorda Bay: Ecological Impacts and Trophic Connections ”
Room B

Executive Director of Gulf Trust
Jay Kleberg
“Chasing the Tides: one personal lens”
Room C

Session 2
2:30 to 3:10 pm

Harte Research Institute
David Essian
“Resurrecting Sunken Islands to Conserve Waterbird Populations in Texas”
Room A

National Audubon
Alexis Baldera
“Audubon Coastal Program, 100 Years and Flying”
Room B

National Audubon
Richard Gibbons
“Conservation in Action: Bending the Bird Curve in Texas and Beyond”
Room C

Session 3
3:30 to 4:10 pm

Conservation Research Director
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory
Rebecca Bracken
“Birds of the Night: The Decline of the Nightjar and the Associated Conservation Issues”
Room B

Director of Gulf Coast Programs
International Crane Foundation
Carter Crouch
“Gulf Coast Whooping Cranes”
Room C

New 2024 Moderated Panel

immediately following speaker sessions

SATURDAY, APRIL 13 - 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
PMAR - 101 Marine Center Dr., Palacios, TX

“It’s a Wrap! Matbay News 2024”
Six Speaker Q&A Moderated by Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Coastal Program, TX
Woody Woodrow
Director of Mat Bay FDN
Bill Balboa

Field Specialist, PMAR Texas
Dr. Jay Tarkington

Master Naturalist, G.C.B.O. B.O.D.
and Tour Leader MB Birdfest
Bob Freidrichs
Director of Audubon Texas
Alexis Balderas

TPWD Mat Bay Ecosystem Leader
Leslie Hartman

Special Guest
 East Side Elementary Annex
901 2nd Street, Palacios, Texas 77465
(Corner of 2nd Street & Moore Ave)
For a complete map of the Events
Click Here
Schedule Subject to Change
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