REGISTRATION IS OPEN  for the 9th Annual MBBFMARCH 7, 8, & 9, 2025

Tour Guides

Bob Friedrichs

Robert (Bob) Friedrichs and his wife Ruth live in Palacios, Texas and have one grown son. Bob holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University. His 34-year career with Chevron included a variety of management positions. Now retired, Bob and Ruth enjoy traveling around North America in their RV, most recently driving their motorhome to Alaska (and back!) for some awesome sightseeing and birding. Bob is an outdoor enthusiast, conservationist and avid birder. He started birding at age 13 while a member of the Golden Crescent Nature Club in Victoria, Texas. His life list is 1278, ABA list is 695 and his Texas list is 538 species. Bob compiles the Victoria and Jackson-Calhoun Christmas Bird Counts. He is a certified Texas Master Naturalist with the Midcoast Chapter and spends most his time in the field conducting tours and surveying birds.

His field work includes Colonial Waterbird Surveys in Calhoun and Matagorda Counties and Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) trapping and banding of wintering sparrows in Brazoria County. His survey work on Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Piping Plover supports FWS research of these two threatened species. Additionally, Bob has helped FWS researchers trap and geo-tag Buff-breasted Sandpipers to better understand their migration path and habitat use. Bob currently helps trap, band and monitor American Oystercatchers in Matagorda and Lavaca Bays for GCBO’s Director of Conservation Research, Dr. Susan Heath. Bob is on the board of the Matagorda Bay Birdfest and the Palacios Prairie Wetland.

Bill Balboa

Bill Balboa is a native Texan - born in Brownsville and raised in Austin. He completed undergraduate studies in Invertebrate Zoology from SWTSU in San Marcos, with graduate studies at TAMU, and UHCL. From 1988 – 2014 he worked as a coastal fisheries biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Coastal Fisheries Division and directed fisheries data collection in Matagorda Bay, the Lower Laguna Madre, and Galveston Bay. In 2014 he returned to the Matagorda Bay area as the Texas Sea Grant/Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Coastal and Marine Resources Extension Agent for Matagorda County. In February 2019, Bill left extension to help put the Matagorda Bay Foundation “on-the-ground” and advocate for conservation of the resources of the Matagorda Bay ecosystem.

Brent Ortego

Former biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department who previously managed the Mad Island Wildlife Management Area during a 34 year career. Brent along with hundreds of birders have created the Number One Christmas Bird Count (Mad Island) in the Nation located in Matagorda County. Join Brent and his wife Dora Ann as they visit some of the best birding areas in the county.

Robyn Savage

Robyn Savage and her husband John Savage live in Palacios, Texas. She is a certified Texas Master Naturalists (Mid-Coast Chapter) and spends much of her time observing and surveying birds. She regularly contributes to eBird as she recognizes that it is an increasingly important source of data used in science and conservation. Robyn loves observing birds, from her back deck, while out hiking or just waking about. She has conducted tours at the Mad Island Nature Preserve and county roads for members of the Texas Ornithological Society, contributes to articles on birding in the local area, and participates in various Christmas Bird Counts along the central Texas coast.
 East Side Elementary Annex
901 2nd Street, Palacios, Texas 77465
(Corner of 2nd Street & Moore Ave)
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Schedule Subject to Change
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